Articles Tagged with New York divorce

Attorney-with-clients-200x300Mediation has become a common option to resolve issues related to separation and divorce without the need for litigation. It is a preferred choice where individuals want to make their own informed choices rather than have a judge decide. An experienced neutral mediator can facilitate the sometimes-difficult conversations surrounding  financial disentanglement and parenting decisions and access moving forward.

Many people have heard of mediation as a means of dispute resolution, but when it comes to how the mediation process works, there are some myths and misconceptions. To help people understand how the mediation process works, I have compiled some common questions that people have when deciding on the process for their divorce. Continue Reading

A Prenuptial Agreement (“Prenup”) is more than just a legally binding contract. Prenups can help create a solid foundation for how the financial aspects of your relationship will work during the marriage. This helps to build trust and effective communication moving forward. That makes it a wise investment. Negotiations should be conducted with a spirit of cooperation and transparency about financial matters. The goal is to enter the marriage with a full understanding of your situation and clarity on expectations. Continue Reading

Couple-with-thought-bubbles-300x244Prenups, Post-nups and Separation Agreements are used to address finances and other issues concerning marital rights and obligations. As I have written in the past, prenuptial agreements are an opportunity for couples to have comprehensive discussions about each partner’s finances leading up to the wedding. Additionally, prenups provide an opportunity for the couple to navigate the financial path they would like to take during the marriage. Similarly, post-nuptial agreements afford couples the opportunity to have conversations about finances during the marriage. If a couple is contemplating divorce and has not executed a pre or post-nuptial agreement, a Separation Agreement can be negotiated. A Separation Agreement is a very detailed written contract that you and your spouse voluntarily sign without involving the court.  It addresses all of the financial and other issues of the marriage. Continue Reading

The divorce process includes negotiating a plan for what will happen to assets and debt as well as the support needs of the family. There are many misconceptions about how social security benefits may be claimed after a divorce. Outlined below are some of the most common misconceptions about social security benefits for ex-spouses and general information on how the process works. Continue Reading

Attorney-with-clients-200x300When initiating the divorce process, selecting the right attorney may seem challenging and stressful. Finding someone who aligns with your process choice and objectives can help the process move more smoothly. Just as there are different process choices for your divorce, there are different attorney styles. Having a consultation with an experienced family law attorney helps to determine whether the attorney has the requisite experience for your matter and whether he or she will conduct the negotiations in a way that comports you’re your intentions and goals.

There is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to a legal matter, including divorce. Parties should ideally agree on the process that will promote a mutually beneficial outcome. In working toward that goal, finding the “right” attorney is also an important decision. In choosing an attorney, some of the considerations that clients can keep in mind are outlined below.

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Couple-with-thought-bubbles-300x244A prenuptial agreement is a written contract between two people that is entered into before marriage and takes effect upon marriage.  This document has become more popular as couples realize the importance of clarifying expectations and setting a good foundation for communication about finances (and other issues) before the marriage.

Each couple has a unique set of goals and issues to be addressed and the prenup can be specifically tailored with that in mind.  Without a prenup, state laws dictate who owns the property acquired during the marriage as well as what happens upon the dissolution of the marriage.

Why get a Prenup? Continue Reading

Celebrity breakups tend to take news cycles by storm, and when there are pets involved, it raises a lot of questions about ‘pet custody’. Pop star Miley Cyrus has recently made headlines because of her high-profile separation with Hollywood actor Liam Hemsworth. The couple maintained an on-and-off relationship for years, and has been married for less than one year, having married in late 2018. Throughout the course of their relationship, the couple adopted and rescued many animals, including dogs, cats, and farm animals such as horses, mini horses, and pigs. Now that Liam Hemsworth has officially filed for divorce,  who gets the pets? Continue Reading

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